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Welcome to the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to Heaven and Hell’,  Podcast.

On iTunes
On Soundcloud

This is a podcast dedicated to the dedicated who are dedicated to be dedicated too …

Well you know what I mean.
It has been written and produced by Renaissance9 productions. It is reserved for those listeners who share our refined sense of humor. It is not meant in any way as a comment or criticism of any political, religious, ethnic or other institutions or persons.

This is the blog site for the podcast which can be viewed here or directly on the podcast Please feel free to review this site, post comments and view any of the podcast it contains.

Podcast are usually added every two weeks so keep checking in.
You may also Request to be friends on Facebook with Laura Devlin (the main character). She has a Facebook page and a twitter account that will keep you up to date of her progress through Hell.

Facebook — Laura Devlin
Twitter — LauraDevlinHnH — Laura Devlin

Please accept her friend request. She is not such a bad person when you get to know her. Also follow her on twitter.
To find out more about the show and to become involved check out our Blog at
